By Monique Morrison
June 22, 2020
Nothing will sink your Facebook group faster than lack of participation by the members. So one of your primary objectives as the group administrator needs to be encouraging engagement on posts that you create and getting others in the group to post their posts in the group. One of the most effective ways to increase engagement in your group is to ask questions! People love to answer questions because it gives them an opportunity to talk about what they like, don’t like, give opinions, and offer advice. You can ask on-topic questions at random, or have a “Question of the Day”. In asking questions of your group, you’ll not only create engagement, but you’ll also gain valuable insight into what your ideal customers want to know or learn, and that will help when you begin to offer them products to purchase. If you’re having a problem coming up with questions to ask in your group, try this: Do a simple google search but start your search term with a “question word” such as why, are, who, etc. Just use the word, and your search term, and see what comes up! You’ll get lots of ideas for lots of questions this way, and it can help to write them all down or keep them in an online document that you can refer to when you’re stumped for a new question to ask. Another great idea is to ask your group members about their experiences. “Have you ever had to … ?” “What do you do when … ?” “What’s your personal experience with … ?” These types of questions create an opportunity to have your members tell a story about their experiences, and people love to tell and hear stories, so it’s a win-win for everyone involved. And don’t forget to add your stories, too! When you first open up your group, you’ll have to bear the burden of most of the content that gets posted. Set up a posting schedule so that you’re creating a consistent stream of valuable information in the group. Keep track of the times of the day when you get the most engagement on your posts, and tailor your posting schedule to those times. After awhile you should see more and more people contributing on their own, as it becomes more hands-off for you. Hope enjoyed this blog post and let me know if you have any questions in the comments.