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Is Your Business Success Affected by Shiny Object Syndrome?

Monique Morrison • Nov 12, 2021

Shiny Object Syndrome is the culmination of things that distract you from reaching your goals.

Young man and woman excited about project results

Do you know what the number one killer of businesses today is? It’s something we all kind of talk about, but we don't really focus on a whole lot in terms of eliminating it from our life.

And that, my friends, is Shiny Object Syndrome.

What is Shiny Object Syndrome? Well, it's essentially the culmination of things that distract you from reaching your goals.

Most businesses do not die of starvation; they do not die of a lack of ideas. Most businesses die because they have too many ideas. They don't know where to look and they don't know where to start because there are so many ideas and so many things that they want to implement that they almost freeze up and then never get things done. 

When you try to focus on doing too much at once, there might be a lack of focus and a lack of resources to do all of the things that you're wanting to do all at one time. 

Another thing that happens with Shiny Object Syndrome is that you can start a project and then all of a sudden you get distracted. You get distracted with another project, a new shiny object. 

You think, “Oh! I'm going to implement a Welcome Email Series!” and you start writing it out. Then all of a sudden you're like, “No, no. I'm going to start to do TikTok posts.” and then you start to focus on TikTok. 

Sound familiar?

Exasperated man with hands on head while looking at laptop

What ends up happening is you get all these projects that are kind of halfway done. This is what we refer to as half-built bridges. When you have half-built bridges, you end up with all of this effort that gets put out but nothing to show for it. 

What I want you to do is make a promise.

I want you to promise that this will not happen to you. I want you to make a promise to yourself that you will stop yourself from Shiny Object Syndrome. But more than that, I want to help you beat Shiny Object Syndrome. 

How we can do this is by implementing processes in your business. 

If you find some of this resonates with you, the number one thing that I can tell you to do today is to go back and look at what those shiny objects have been in the past… when you do this, you’ll start to make note of all those half-built bridges. 

The great thing about coming to this realization now is that if you do have these half-built bridges that you've kind of worked on and then those projects got put to the side, these are opportunities! These are opportunities for you to grab this low hanging fruit and be able to implement new pieces of your marketing infrastructure. 

If you do have a half-built welcome email series, go find it, complete it, check it off the list.

Make a list of all your other half-built bridges. Prioritize them as to which ones will push your business further, faster. One by one, check them off the list.

Here’s the tricky part… but you can beat it!

While you're checking off your half-built bridges, make sure that you don't allow yourself to get distracted with another shiny object.

Still struggling? Maybe it’s time to bring in a marketing coach. Book your free Focus 3 Discovery Call and we can help you prioritize which actions items you need to focus on first.

Want a little more help? Check out our 1-on-1 and Group Coaching services to get the support and accountability you need to really complete your marketing goals without the distractions.

You’ve got this, and we’re here to help.

Get Your Focus 3
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